Agastya Deshraju's Portfolio

I'm skilled and passionate about Data Analysis and Data Science with experience in tools such as SQL, Python, R, Excel and Tableau. Looking to showcase my skills through projects performed over a variety of different topics.

Web Scraping and Analyzing NBA Statistics

Performed Web Scraping to get data on NBA stats from the past 10 years to identify trends within them. Visualized the data and created a dashboard containing a variety of charts showing the different analyses.

Tools and Techniques: Python, SQL, MS Excel, Tableau

COVID-19 Data Analysis

Queried tables for Deaths and Vaccinations into SQL and performed analyses on it using various functions such as JOINs, CTEs, Temp Tables, etc. An interactive publically avaliable dasboard was then created

Tools and Techniques: SQL, MS Excel, Tableau

Facial Recognition Applications using CNN

Implemented a facial recognition model utilizing a Convolutional Neural Network and Computer Vision. Features include Facial Expression Recogniton and Face Identification. An accuracy of 85% was obtained

Tools and Techniques: Python, TensorFlow, OpenCV, Pandas, numpy

Bike Sales Data Analysis

Cleaned the dataset and created pivot tables to summarize different conditions. These were then visualized using pivot charts to show trends in how bike sales differ among the population

Tools and Techniques: MS Excel, Data Cleaning, Pivot Tables, Charts


Here I've given a little information about me, mainly the tools and techniques that I am deft in working with!


Experienced in performing Data Analysis, Data Cleaning and Data Manipulation. Also advanced operations such as JOINs, CTEs, Temp Tables, Rollbacks and Commits, etc.


Proficient in a wide variety of Python libraries and frameworks to perform Exploratory Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, etc.

MS Excel / Google Sheets

Capable in Data Analysis using spreadsheets with the help of techniques such as Pivot Tables, XLOOOKUP, Macros, Charts to name a few.

Data Visualization

Skillful in using Data Visualization tools such as Tableau and Power BI. You can check my Tableau public profile to see some of the dashboards I have created

Contact Information

Down below is my contact information, please feel free to reach out to me. I've also added links to my GitHub and LinkedIn Profiles. Be sure to check them out!